JL Brand “Blue Tag” Guarantee
“Blue Tag” Guarantee
We guarantee that all mature age Breeding cattle sold by JL Cattle and Livestock (JLCL) including bulls, heifers and cows are fertile to the best of our knowledge. A breeding soundness exam will be completed prior to the purchase of all age-appropriate bulls and provided to the buyer. If a bull has a breeding injury at any time in the 12 months following the sale so as to make him functionally infertile, we will provide you with a credit. If a mature female is determined to be unable to breed within the first 9 months following purchase, we will provide you with a credit. To receive a credit for a bull or female we ask that you first contact us to discuss the breeding issue you are experiencing and to provide a veterinary inspection with details to the infertility. Buyer can then sell the animal through a reputable sale/auction facility and JLCL will offer you the difference of the original purchase price minus the salvage market value as a credit towards a replacement animal or any future JLCL purchase. This guaranteed is in addition to any specific sale terms and conditions of the private treaty agreed to between JLCL and the buyer. This is not intended to be a health or life insurance policy. We will not offer credit for an animal if it dies or is killed for any reason. It is expected that proper care and nutrition be provided to all purchased animals. All credit is good for 12 months from issuance. If an agreeable replacement is not available, the credit value will be issued as a refund. This guarantee does not cover any animal sold for the purposes of slaughter or any animal that buyer is notified of “Blue Tag” exclusion prior to purchase.*
*All terms of sale and guarantee on this website are subject to change without notice. Actual terms and conditions of sale will be by private treaty and agreed to between JLCL and Buyer at time of purchase.